sábado, 31 de octubre de 2015



The health benefits of ginger root oil can be attributed to its digestive, carminative, expectorant, antiseptic, analgesic, antiinflammatory, stimulating and aphrodisiac properties. The benefits of ginger oil include its ability to treat stomach problems, nausea, heart strokes, indigestion, inflammation, respiratory problems, and menstrual disorders.

The health benefits of ginger root oil include the following:

Stomach: Ginger root and ginger oil are often used for upset stomachs. It is one of the best remedies for indigestion, stomach ache, dyspepsia, colic, spasms, diarrhea, flatulence and other stomach and bowel related problems. Ginger or ginger oil is often added to recipes, especially in India, as it helps in improving digestion. Ginger tea is also used for relieving stomach problems. Furthermore, it can increase your appetite, which is great for people who are trying to put on weight.

Food Poisoning: Ginger is an antiseptic and carminative substance. As a result, it can be used to treat food poisoning. It is also used for treating intestinal infections and bacterial dysentery.

Nausea and Vomiting: Research has shown that ginger root and its oil are also effective against nausea, motion sickness and vomiting. Use of ginger may also result in a reduction of pregnancy-related vomiting in women.

Malaria: Ginger root and ginger oil are also effective against yellow fever and malaria.

Respiratory disorders: Since ginger root and ginger oil are both good expectorants, they are effective in treating various respiratory problems such as cold, cough, flu, asthma, bronchitis and breathlessness. Ginger is very effective in removing mucus from the throat and lungs, so it is often added to tea in India. The health benefits of honey and ginger in treating respiratory problems is well known.

Inflammation and Pain: The extract of ginger is often used in traditional medicine to reduce inflammation. Research has now proven that its anti-inflammatory properties can be attributed to the presence of a substance named Zingibain. It is analgesic in nature and reduces the pain caused by muscle aches, arthritis, rheumatic conditions, headaches, and migraines. Ginger oil or  ginger paste is often topically massaged on aching muscles to remove muscle strain. It is further believed that regular use of ginger leads to the reduction of prostaglandins, which are the compounds associated with pain. Therefore, ginger helps in pain relief. Recently, a few Chinese researchers have reported that ginger can be very effective in treating inflammation of the testicles.

Menstruation Problems: Irregular and painful menstrual discharges can be treated with ginger.

Heart ailments: In China, it is strongly believed that ginger boosts and strengthens your heart health. Many people use ginger oil as a measure to prevent as well as cure various heart conditions. Preliminary research has indicated that ginger may be helpful in reducing cholesterol levels and preventing blood clots. With reduced cholesterol levels and blood clotting, the chance of blood vessel blockage decreases, thereby reducing the incidences of heart attacks and strokes.

Stress: Ginger oil, being an essential oil, is stimulating and therefore relieves depression, mental stress, exhaustion, dizziness, restlessness and anxiety.

Impotency: Ginger is helpful for male health as well. Since ginger root and its oil are aphrodisiac in nature, it is effective in eliminating impotency and preventing premature ejaculation.

Kidney: It is also believed that ginger root juice is able to dissolve kidney stones.

Hair care: Ginger is useful for hair care as well. Ginger juice is useful in controlling dandruff.

Cancer: According to the American Cancer Society, preliminary research on animals has shown that ginger may be useful in treating cancer.

It should be noted that ginger oil is very strong and should therefore be used carefully and sparingly.

Ginger oil blends well with many other essential oils including lemon, cedarwood, lime, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, rosemary, sandalwood, patchouli, myrtle, bergamot, rosewood, neroli, orange and ylang-ylang.


The health benefits of Cedarwood Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antiseborrhoeic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, tonic, astringent, diuretic, emenagogue, expectorant, insecticidal, sedative and fungicidal substance.

Cedarwood is basically a plant native to cold climates and is normally found at high altitudes. The chief components of Cedarwood Essential Oil are Alpha Cedrene, Beta Cedrene, Cedrol, Widdrol, Thujopsene and a group of Sesquiterpenes, which contribute a great deal to its medicinal value and health benefits.

Health Benefits of Cedarwood Essential Oil

Here are a few of the most popular and well-reserached medicinal properties and benefits of Cedarwood Oil.

Health Benefits of Cedarwood Essential Oil

Here are a few of the most popular and well-reserached medicinal properties and benefits of Cedarwood Oil.

Antiseborrhoeic: Seborrhoea or Seborrhoeic Eczema is a dreadful disease that is caused by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. This results in increased sebum production and a subsequent infection of the epidermal cells. It looks very ugly as the skin, colored white or pale yellow, starts peeling off, particularly from the scalp, eyebrows, inner ear and anywhere else with hair follicles. Cedarwood oil can be beneficial in curing this inflammatory situation and can reduce this skin peeling regularizing sebum production and treating the infection. The oil also reduces the ugly redness and obvious signs of the condition while treating it.

Antiseptic: Cedarwood oil prevents wounds from becoming septic as well as protecting them from tetanus germs. It can safely be applied externally on wounds as an antiseptic, and it is even used as an ingredient in herbal antiseptic creams. By defending the body against toxins, the cedarwood essential oil relieves the white blood cells and immune system of the extra stress, which allows them to better protect internal functions.

Anti-inflammatory: Although the studies have mainly been done on animals, early human tests have been very positive in terms of cedarwood oil’s anti-inflammatory effects on arthritis. The inflammation of the joints and tissues that results in such debilitating pain or discomfort can be somewhat lessened by the inhalation or topical application of the oil on the skin.

Antispasmodic: Relieving spasms is yet another important medicinal property of Cedarwood Oil.. Nearly all types of spasms and related ailments can be relieved using this oil. This includes spasms that affect the respiratory system, intestines, muscles, heart and nerves. People that have trouble sleeping due to restless leg syndrome, respiratory seizures, asthma, and other spasmodic conditions also find relief from the soothing properties of cedarwood oil.

Tonic: Cedar Wood Oil can be used as a general health tonic, since it tones the organ systems and stimulates metabolism. It tightens and tones muscles, skin, nervous system, stomach, digestive system and brain functions. It boosts the functionality of the kidney and liver, which further improves overall health and wellness.

Astringent: As an astringent, Cedarwood Oil helps to cure toothaches, strengthens the grip of gums on teeth and protects them from falling out. It also tightens loose muscles and gives a feeling of firmness, fitness and youth. This property can also be used to cure diarrhea, by tightening the muscles of the digestive system and contracting those spasm-prone muscles. As an astringent, cedarwood oil is also a useful tool for protecting the skin from toxins and bacteria. Astringent substances also cause skin proteins to coagulate, where they then dry and harden, forming a protective shield on the applied area.

Diuretic: Its role as a diuretic is another beneficial property of Cedarwood Oil that can help cure a number of ailments including obesity, hypertension, high blood pressure, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, urinary tract infections and the accumulation of toxins in the blood. Being a diuretic, it increases the frequency of urination which serves as a medium for removal of fat, excess water and toxins like uric acid from the body. These toxins and extra water accumulated in the body are the main causes behind the above-mentioned ailments.

Emmenagogue: Those who are having obstructed and irregular menstruation can definitely benefit from using Cedarwood Oil, as it is an emmenagogue, which means it stimulates and bring about menstruation, while also regularizing the cycle. The pain and side effects like nausea, fatigue, and mood swings associated with menstruation are also relieved through the regular use of Cedarwood Oil because it can impact the hormonal function of various glands in the endocrine system.

Expectorant: If you are suffering from cough, cold and related congestion, you should try Cedarwood Oil to alleviate the irritation. It is an expectorant and efficiently eliminates coughs and removes phlegm from the respiratory tracts and lungs, thereby relieving congestion. It also gives relief from headaches, red and watery eyes, and other symptom of coughs and colds. A small amount of this oil can also help you get a good night’s sleep when suffering from cough and cold. By stimulating the loosening of phlegm and the coughing which will remove it, you also protect your respiratory tract and overall health from toxins and conditions that excess phlegm can cause.

Insecticide: Cedarwood oil has been in use as a mosquito and insect repellant for a long time. When used in vaporizers, it drives away mosquitoes, flies and other insects in a large area around the house. It is regularly sprinkled on pillows or sheets at night so mosquitoes and other similarly irritating bugs and pests are driven away while you sleep.

Sedative: Its popular use as a sedative might be the most unexpected and valuable aspect of Cedarwood oil’s medicinal properties. It is an excellent sedative, and has a great soothing and calming effect on the mind, cures inflammations, itching of skin, while relieving tension and anxiety. This feature also helps in promoting healthy, restorative, and uninterrupted sleep, so it is often used by patients suffering from insomnia. In aromatherapy applications, the scent can induce the release of serotonin, which is converted into melatonin in the brain. Melatonin induces fatigue and calm, restorative sleep. For this reason, cedarwood aromatherapy is also recommended for people with chronic anxiety, stress, and depression, since it can relieve those conditions as well.

Fungicide: Cedarwood Oil has good fungicidal properties and may be employed to cure fungal infections, both external and internal. Specific studies have shown the inhalation of cedarwood oil to protect the body against various types of food poisoning, as well as plant, animal, and human fungal pathogens!

Other Benefits: Cedarwood oil is equally beneficial in curing acne, arthritis, bronchitis, cystitis, dandruff, dermatitis, stress, kidney disorders and as a treatment against oily skin.

A Few Words of Caution: Cedarwood Oil may produce irritations on the skin if used in high concentrations. Pregnant women should avoid its use altogether, and others should speak with their doctor before making any sort of drastic change, or adding something new to their dietary regimen. Unlike some essential oils, cedarwood oil cannot be ingested in any quantity. It is a highly potent oil, and can cause vomiting, nausea, and thirst, and extensive damage to the digestive system.

The best job in the future with most demain.

best job of the worldWhy Thai massage therapist is the best job of the future?

Jobless? Time for a career change? Become a massage therapist, the most demanded job of the future! Why? It is scientifically proven that due to daily use of technology, internet and smart phones, we move less. Therefore we are more prone to ailments. Neck pain, back pain and fatigue are some of the health problems caused using computers, tablets or smart phones. The more we use technology, the less we move and the more ailments we have, therefore the more demand of massage therapists, to treat but also to prevent these ailments. Did you know that physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of death globally? The World Health Organization (WHO) states that inactivity is causing an estimated 3.2 million deaths globally.

Sitting will kill you

Our body is made to move. The early human beings were fit and constantly moving being physically active to survive, to collect food, to shelter, to escape from danger. Nowadays, many years later our body is almost the same as that of the early human being, but our lifestyle changed a lot: We are much more physically inactive. Some less than others, but due to internet we sit too much which can be harmful for our health. We shop online, instead of going walking around searching on the streets the goods we need. We use a (smart)phone to connect to our friends and family instead of walking by just to see if someone is around. Most of us know that typing too much can cause repetitive strain injury, looking down at a screen of any device causes pain in the neck and sitting too long causes too much pressure on the spine. These ailments might not sound too serious, but if you don’t change your behavior it can causes long term damage. Even worse, sitting can kill you in the end. Inactivity causes: Weakening of the heart and lungs, damage of our immune system (the lymphatic system cannot move the waste), lack of calcium of the bones, weakening of muscles and stiffness of the joints etc. The World Health Organization (WHO) states in one of their recently studies that moderate intensity physical activity – such as walking, cycling, or participating in sports – has significant benefits for health. For instance, it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, colon and breast cancer, and depression. Moreover adequate levels of physical activity will decrease the risk of a hip or vertebral fracture and help control weight. 

Massage is demanded

To improve our health, scientist nowadays look at ancient techniques rather than modern technology. Like this year’s Nobel Prize Winner Youyou who studied a cure of malaria monks used about 2500 years ago. We could also look to ancient techniques to balance the lack of movement in our modern society, like using the 2500 year old technique of Traditional Thai Therapy Massage. This therapy massage based on moving the whole body is different than other massages, because both masseur and client are constantly moving. Nowadays Traditional Thai Therapy Massage based in manipulation of the joints, acupressure along the muscles, stretching the muscles, is becoming more well known as a treatment in regular western medicine. But in Thailand it is already used for centuries in hospitals to decrease the waiting lists and people incorporated this type of massage in their daily life with enormous health results. Sociologists predict that use of smart phones and other internet devices will increase and therefore massage therapists will be more and more demanded in the future!  
Interested in a massage career? More information: http://www.thai-hand.com/courses/recommendations/

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015



The health benefits of lemon oil can be attributed to its stimulating, calming, carminative, anti-infection, astringent, detoxifying, antiseptic, disinfectant, sleep inducing, and antifungal properties. The benefits of lemon oil include its ability to treat stress disorders, fever, infections, asthma, obesity, insomnia, skin disorders, hair conditions, stomach problems and tiredness.

Skin care: Lemon oil is a good remedy for increasing the luster of dull skin. It is astringent and detoxifying in nature, and rejuvenates sagging or tired-looking skin. Its antiseptic properties help in treating pimples and various skin disorders. Lemon is also recommended for reducing excessive oil on the skin.

Stress: Lemon oil is calming in nature and therefore helps in removing mental fatigue, exhaustion, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness and nervous tension. It has the ability to refresh the mind by creating a positive mindset and removing negative emotions. It is also believed that inhaling lemon oil helps in increasing concentration and alertness. It can therefore be used as a room freshener in offices to increase the efficiency of the employees.

Immune system: Lemon oil has a high vitamin content, which makes it a wonderful booster for the body’s immune system. It further stimulates white blood cells, thus increasing your ability to fight off diseases. Lemon oil also improves circulation throughout the body.

Immune system: Lemon oil has a high vitamin content, which makes it a wonderful booster for the body’s immune system. It further stimulates white blood cells, thus increasing your ability to fight off diseases. Lemon oil also improves circulation throughout the body.

Asthma: It is believed that lemons are also useful for treating asthma, since inhaling the aroma of lemons can clear the nasal passages and sinuses, promoting good air flow and steady breathing.

Insomnia: Health benefits of lemon oil include providing relief from sleeplessness. Using lemon oil ensures good sleep and helps people that suffer from insomnia.

Stomach ailments: Since lemon oil is carminative, it is used in the treatment of various stomach problems, including indigestion, acidity, upset stomach, and cramps.

Weight loss: Lemon juice is very helpful in reducing weight, and satisfying appetite to reduce the chance of overeating.

Fever: Lemon oil is effective against infectious diseases such as fever, malaria and typhoid.

Lemon oil blends well with many other essential oils including lavender essential oil, rose oil, neroli essential oil, sandalwood oil, geranium essential oil, ylang ylang essential oil, tea tree essential oil, making it a popular oil for herbalists and those who practice the healing art of aromatherapy.



The health benefits of Helichrysum Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antispasmodic, anticoagulant, antiallergenic, antimicrobial, antihaematoma, antiphlogistic, nervine, antiinflammatory, antitussive, cicatrisant, expectorant, febrifuge, anti septic, cholagogue, emollient, mucolytic, fungicidal, hepatic, diuretic, splenic and cytophylactic substance.

Other Benefits: This powerful oil also detoxifies the liver, relieves congestion, neutralizes effects of nicotine and caffeine and helps cure herpes, cystitis, arthritis, sinusitis, colitis, neuralgia and varicose veins. It has an uplifting effect on mental function and improves meridian flow.

A Few Words of Caution: No toxic or irritating effects have been observed or reported from the use of this oil, but being an anticoagulant, those who have undergone surgery or have chances of internal hemorrhaging should avoid using it.

How to Use: You should always consult an aromatherapist before using essential oils, including helichrysum oil. Essential oils are very strong, so they should not be used without proper consultation with medical professionals.

Blending: This Essential Oil blends well with Geranium, Lavender, Rose, Lime, Neroli, Orange, Petit Grain, Sage and Ylang-Ylang Oil.


Analgesic: marjoram oil reduces the pain associated with colds, fevers, inflammation, overexertion of muscles, toothaches, headaches and numerous other sources. The best thing about this is that it does not have any adverse side effects, unlike the other analgesic pain relievers available on the market.

Antispasmodic: Marjoram essential oil is helpful in curing nearly all types of spasms and related problems. It efficiently relieves spasm in the respiratory system and intestines, and muscular spasms in the limbs. It also helps to cure convulsions, pulled muscles, cramps, and spasmodic cholera that are caused from uncontrollable spasms.

Anaphrodisiac: As you can probably guess, this is the exact opposite of being an aphrodisiac. Marjoram essential oil helps to suppress or control sexual desires. This property is beneficial for those who are suffering from abnormal and extreme sexual urges.

Antiseptic: The antiseptic properties of marjoram oil make it a good application for both external and internal wounds. It also functions well as an ingredient of antiseptic lotions and creams. This protects the wounds against becoming septic and developing tetanus.

Antiviral: Furthermore,  can be effective in curing infections from viruses and ailments associated with them, such as the common cold, influenza, mumps, measles and even pox.

Bactericidal:Marjoram oil kills bacteria, so it can protect you from food poisoning, typhoid, malaria, colic, and bacterial infections in the colon, skin, digestive system, urinary tract and other parts of the excretory system.

Carminative:Marjoram essential oil can efficiently handle any gas trouble you may have. It provides the gases a safe downward passage by relaxing the muscles in the abdominal region and also stops further gas from forming. This help get rid of a number of related problems such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting, stomachache, chest pain, hypertension and excessive flatulence.

Bactericidal:Marjoram oil kills bacteria, so it can protect you from food poisoning, typhoid, malaria, colic, and bacterial infections in the colon, skin, digestive system, urinary tract and other parts of the excretory system.

Sedative: marjoram oil induces a calming, relaxing and sedative effect on both the mind and body while relieving nervous stress and anxiety. It also generates a happy feeling in cases of anger or sadness. This property can be helpful to pacify people who suffered some sort of shock, trauma, or major setback in life.

Vasodilator: This is a very important medicinal property of marjoram oil and can be a blessing for those who are at high risk for heart attacks, atherosclerosis, or brain hemorrhaging due to hypertension. This widens and relaxes the blood vessels, eases the flow of blood, and reduces blood pressure, thereby lessening the strain on the entire cardiovascular system.

Other Benefits: This powerful essential oil helps to cure headache, sinusitis, colds, bronchitis, asthma, stress, insomnia, pain in muscles and joints, and fatigue.

A Few Words of Caution: It has no inherent risks, but as with many alternative medicines and aromatherapy techniques. Pregnant women should avoid it.

Blending: The essential oils of Bergamot, Cedar Wood, Chamomile, Cypress, Eucalyptus and Tea Tree blend very nicely with Marjoram 



Kunzea is reported to have good pain-relieving properties, useful for muscular, tendon and joint injuries. In this case, Kunzea can be used by itself or used in combination with essential oils such as Rosemary (camphor-type), Basil (methyl chavicol-type) and Peppermint.

Kunzea has also shown results in relieving the pain of headaches and insect bites, such as from mosquitoes and spiders. It can be suggested to use a combination of equal amounts of Kunzea and Peppermint oil for these conditions. Kunzea by itself or perhaps combined with True Lavender oil, can be useful for application to small wounds and minor burns.

There have been some good results in Kunzea helping to relieve the intense pain of gout, where uric acid deposits (especially in joints of the toes) cause intense inflammation. In this case, Kunzea oil has been applied neat a number of times per day to the affected joints. A number of users have reported developing a healing rash, with uric acid being excreted through the skin. The Kunzea oil helps to control any itching of the rash.

If Kunzea oil is applied to the area after the trauma and before bruising has started or has only just begun, the development of the bruise can be prevented. Another excellent oil to prevent and relieve bruising is that of Italian Everlasting (Helichrysm italicum). Kunzea or both oils can be added at a 10% or higher concentration to Arnica infused oil (Arnica montana flowers infused in vegetable oil) and perhaps Calophyllum oil (Calophyllum inophyllum). Both of these vegetable oils very useful in breaking up the leaked blood that causes the discoloration seen in bruises and sprains and speeds healing.

Kunzea oil has had positive results in the treatment of rashes, skin irritations, eczema and acne. Kunzea oil has been found to be non-irritant and generally is well tolerated even when used undiluted on the skin. However, in the case of eczema and allergic dermatitis, it is always recommended to test a small amount of any essential oil, as skin sensitivity is always a possibility in these conditions. This can be from a 1% to 10% concentration of an essential oil in a base (vegetable oil is fine) for this purpose.

With eczema and other skin irritations, I would recommend combining Kunzea with essential oils and extracts such as German Chamomile, Calendula carbon dioxide extract and Australian Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum).

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

Medicinal plants used with Thai Traditional Medicine in modern healthcare services: a case study in Kabchoeng Hospital, Surin Province, Thailand.


Thai Traditional Medicine (TTM) is available in many modern hospitals in Thailand. However, there have been difficulties in integrating TTM, particularly the practices of the use of herbal medicines, into modern healthcare services. Kabchoeng Hospital is one hospital that has been able to overcome these difficulties. Thus, this study aimed to document the successful utilization of herbal medicine at Kabchoeng Hospital. The documentation focused on both the knowledge of medicinal plants and the success factors that facilitated the utilization of herbal medicine in the context of a modern hospital in Thailand.


Kabchoeng Hospital was intentionally selected for this case study. Participatory observation was used for the data collection. There were six groups of key informants: three applied Thai Traditional Medicine practitioners (ATTMPs), a pharmacist, two physicians, two folk healers, the head of an herbal cultivation and collection group, and 190 patients. The plant specimens were collected and identified based on the botanical literature and a comparison with authentic specimens; these identifications were assisted by microscopic and thin layer chromatography (TLC) techniques.


Eighty-nine medicinal plants were used for the herbal preparations. The ATTMPs used these plants to prepare 29 standard herbal preparations and occasional extemporaneous preparations. Moreover, in this hospital, seven herbal preparations were purchased from herbal medicine manufacturers. In total, 36 preparations were used for 10 groups of symptoms, such as the treatment of respiratory system disorders, musculo-skeletal system disorders, and digestive system disorders. Four success factors that facilitated the utilization of herbal medicine at Kabchoeng Hospital were determined. These factors included a proper understanding of the uses of herbal medicines, the successful integration of the modern and TTM healthcare teams, the support of an herbal cultivation and collection group, and the acceptance of the local people.


The practices that support the use of herbal medicine at Kabchoeng Hospital illustrated the successful application of TTM and also represented a model for the integration of TTM, and particularly the use of herbal medicine, into modern hospitals. This integration will be beneficial for sustainable healthcare systems in Thailand and in other countries where modern medicine is the mainstream medical system.

The perception of the benefits of herbal medicine consumption among the Thai elderly.



To determine how the Thai elderly perceived the benefits of herbal medicine consumption and to study related variables influencing their perception.


A cross-sectional study was used.


419 participants were chosen by systematic stratified sampling; people between 60-96 years of age (mean age 70.2 years); 68.3 % female, and 31.7% male of Chonburi Province (Thailand).


To determine the elderly perception about the benefits of herbal medicine consumption, a scale from one to four based upon 12 simply worded item check lists was used among the others. The questionnaires were conducted in June to August 2008 in 3 different regions (urban, suburban and rural areas).


97.4% having used herbal medicines in many ways. Most of the elderly used the local herbals together with conventional medicines. They believed that herbals could reduce expenses (51%), cure diseases (41.9%), relieve symptoms (35.4%), and provide good health (33.6%). A 16.7% of the elderly had the strongest opinion regarding the use of herbal medicines as substitutes for conventional medicines. They also strongly agreed on using them as nutrients (39.8%). The study found significant correlation among levels of education, stress levels, happiness levels, and perception of benefits of herbal medicine consumption.


This study indicated that levels of education, happiness, and stress could influence the perception of herbal medicine consumption. Knowing how people perceive herbal medicine, its use, and local culture can help practicing health professionals, among other things, to avoid side effects from prescriptions and so maintain or promote the elderly health status.

Thai medicinal plants and the search for new anti-inflammatory and anticancer agents

Nine plant species with anti-inflammatory effects were selected from Thai textbooks. It is expected that long history of their uses might offer opportunities for the discovery of novel anti-inflammatory and/or anticancer agents. In this study, anti-inflammatory NF-κB inhibitory activities were determined by luciferase assay and effects on LPS-induced pro-inflammatory cytokines PGE2, IL-6, IL-1β, and TNFα were assessed by ELISA [1]. Cytotoxicity activities were examined by the MTT test in HeLa cells, and the XTT test in leukaemia CCRF-CEM cells including their multidrug-resistant CEM-ADR5000 subline [2]. Among all the tested extracts, Gynura pseudochina (L.) DC. var. hispida Thv. (Asteraceae) (ME) and Oroxylum indicum (L.) Kurz. (Bignoniaceae) (EA) showed the greatest NF-κB inhibitory effects with the lowest IC50 values (41.96µg/ml and 47.45µg/ml, respectively). While G. pseudochina var. hispida (ME) inhibited the release of IL-1β (IC50 2.46µg/ml), O. indicum (EA) also inhibited the release of PGE2 (IC50 26.98µg/ml). Muehlenbeckia platylclada F., Muell., Meisn. (Polygonaceae) (EA and ME) did not inhibit NF-κB activation but inhibited the release of IL-6, IL-1β and TNF-α with the lowest IC50 values ranged from 0.28–8.67µg/ml. Pouzolzia indica (L.) Gaudich. (Urticaceae) (PE) show the strongest antileukemic effects on both CCRF-CEM cells and the multidrug resistant subline at 10µg/ml (90.25±0.29% and 89.52±0.12% cell dead, respectively). The active compounds isolated from G. pseudochina var. hispida (ME), the strongest NF-κB inhibitory extract, were identified as the known compounds quercetin-3-rutinoside (IC50 =24.78µg/ml) and quinic acid (IC50=49.18µg/ml).

Acknowledgement: The Royal Thai Government for funding.

References: [1] Bremner, P. et al. (2004) Planta Med. 70:1–5.

[2] Efferth, T. et al. (2002) Blood Cell. Mol. Dis. 28:160–168.

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015

The traditional medicinal herb: Eucalyptus Oil: Essential Oil Extraordinaire

Eucalyptus oil is a pure essential oil that has practical and industrial uses, as well as healing properties. It comes from a fast-growing evergreen tree native to Australia, with global eucalyptus oil production mainly from Eucalyptus globulusor "Blue Gum." Learn more about this essential oil – and how it can benefit your health and well-being.

What Is Eucalyptus Oil?

Eucalyptus oil is the distilled oil that comes from the dried leaves of eucalyptus – a colorless liquid with a strong woody and sweet smell. There are more than 700 different species of eucalyptus in the world, of which at least 500 produce a type of essential oil.

  1. Eucalyptus polybractea – This is commonly known as "Blue Mallee," a small mallee type tree. The crude or single-distilled oil is high in cineole (a colorless, liquid terpene ether with a camphor-like odor and is found in essential oils) and usually assays between 80 and 88 percent.
  2. Eucalyptus globulus – This is the species that has received the most attention from botanists and chemists, and its oil is best known and most used of all eucalyptus oils. It's cineole is between 60 and 70 percent. Since the properties of the crude oil usually do not meet the requirements of most pharmacopoeias, the oil has to be treated to increase the cineole content.
  3. Eucalyptus radiata – Commonly known as "narrow-leaved peppermint," this is a medium-sized tree with fibrous bark. The crude oil has a cineole content of 65 to 70 percent and has a very refreshing aroma.
  4. Eucalyptus citriodora – Referred to as the "lemon-scented gum," this large tree has gone through a name change and is now called Corymbia. The principal constituent of the oil is citronellal, and the oil is used for industrial and perfume purposes.

Australian aboriginals2 use oil-containing eucalyptus leaf infusions as a traditional medication for body pains, fever, sinus congestions, and colds. As early as the 1880s, surgeons were already using eucalyptus oil as an antiseptic during operations.3 Toward the end of the century, the oil was used in most hospitals in England to clean urinary catheters.4

In 1948, the United States also officially registered eucalyptus oil as an insecticide and miticide (one that kills mites and ticks).

Uses of Eucalyptus Oil

According to Medline Plus,5 the diluted form of eucalyptus oil is taken orally for pain and inflammation of respiratory tract mucous membranes, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, sinus pain and inflammation, and respiratory infections. It is also used as an antiseptic, insect repellent, and treatment option for wounds, burns, and ulcer.

For healing mucus membranes (such as to safely and effectively treat allergies and asthma), you can apply a drop of eucalyptus oil on an organic cotton ball and sniff it several times a day. I also recommend adding a few drops to water or a nebulizer as steam therapy, or you can use a few drops in your bath water.

Eucalyptus oil is also popularly used as a fragrance in perfumes and cosmetics, and is found in mouthwashes, liniments and ointments, toothpastes, cough drops, and lozenges. It is commonly mixed with other oils to make it more easily absorbed by your skin. This supports the moisturizing process, which explains the oil's presence in skin products like a natural sunscreen.

There are different ways to use eucalyptus oil,6 including aromatically, topically, or internally. For instance, it can be applied to skin within a carrier oil, such as coconut oil. I advice starting with a drop added to 1 to 3 teaspoons of carrier, and increase the essential oil as necessary.

Composition of Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oils are made up of more than 100 different compounds.7 Its main chemical components are a-pinene, b-pinene, a-phellandrene, 1,8-cineole, limonene, terpinen-4-ol, aromadendrene, epiglobulol, piperitone and globulol.8

Crude eucalyptus oil sometimes contains more compounds in different quantities than after double distillation.

For example, eucalyptus globulus oil has 60 percent cineole and 40 percent other compounds, which becomes 80 percent cineole and only 20 percent other compounds after being double-distilled. As a result, crude oil may have a broader range of activities than the refined oil.

Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil

Medical News Today expands on the various medicinal uses and benefits of eucalyptus:9

  • Antibacterial properties – A study published in Clinical Microbiology and Infection found that eucalyptus oil may have antibacterial action on pathogenic bacteria in the upper respiratory tract.
  • Pain relief – Research indicates the analgesic properties of this essential oil. A study in the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation applied Eucalyptamint on the anterior forearm skin of 10 subjects, and found that Eucalyptamint "produced significant physiologic responses that may be beneficial for pain relief and/or useful to athletes as a passive form of warm-up."
  •  Dental health – This oil exhibits antibacterial activity against cariogenic (tooth decay-causing) and periodontopathic bacteria.
  • Stimulating immune system response – According to a study published in BMC Immunology, eucalyptus oil extract is said to implement the innate cell-mediated immune response.

One very important reason why many individuals use eucalyptuYou cas oil is its ability to address mental exhaustion through creating a cooling and refreshing effect. As a stimulant, it helps eradicate exhaustion and mental sluggishness, and rejuvenates "the spirits of the sick."10


Apart from mental exhaustion, this essential oil is commonly used for stimulating mental activity and increasing blood flow to the brain. It is not uncommon for eucalyptus essential oil to be then employed in classrooms as a form of aromatherapy.


How to Make Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is extracted from fresh or partially dried leaves and young twigs, and undergoes steam distillation. You can make oil from eucalyptus leaves on your own, saving you money and allowing you a fresh supply of the oil. Here are steps how:11

Things You'll Need:

  • Kitchen weight scale
  • Eucalyptus leaves
  • Olive oil or another carrier oil 
  • Crock pot
  • Small-gauge mesh strainer
  • Airtight jar made of dark glass


  1. Gently crush 2 ounces of fresh eucalyptus leaves with your fist to release the oil. You may use more or less depending on the size of your crock pot.
  2. Place the eucalyptus leaves in the crock pot.
  3. Add 1 cup of olive oil for every ¼ ounce of leaves in the crock pot.
  4. Place the lid on the crock pot and turn it on at low heat. Let the mixture steep for 6 hours.
  5. Strain the eucalyptus oil through a small-gauge mesh strainer and into an airtight jar made of dark glass.
  6. Seal the jar and date it.
  7. Store the eucalyptus oil in a cool, dry spot, where it will remain viable for 6 months. If needed longer, store the oil in the vegetable crisper drawer in your refrigerator, where it will last for about a year.

If you have eucalyptus essential oil ready,12 you can make another homemade preparation. Mix the essential oil with an equal amount of apple cider vinegar. Apply it on problem areas, or use it as an antiseptic on wounds, boils, and insect bites.

How Does Eucalyptus Oil Work?

This essential oil works different ways.13 In vapor therapy (in the form of burners and vaporizers), eucalyptus oil may be used for respiratory problems, for helping improve concentration, or as an insect repellant.

It can also be used in blended massage oil or diluted in your bath – methods that can provide benefits against arthritis, asthma, mucous congestion, colds, headaches, sinusitis, fatigue, and muscle aches and pains.

You may also use eucalyptus oil in a cream or lotion for pain relief and for speeding up the healing of wounds and ulcers. Use it on your skin for insect bites or wounds, but be very careful when doing so. Finally, I recommend adding very diluted eucalyptus oil to a gargle as a soothing remedy for sore throat.

Essential oils generally blend well together. Eucalyptus oil, however, blends particularly well with benzoin, thyme, lavender, lemongrass, lemon, and pine.

Is Eucalyptus Oil Safe?

Essential oils like eucalyptus oil are generally safe to use, but with specific precautions.14 Adults should not take it orally (by mouth) except under a doctor's supervision. I do not advice giving it to a child, including cough drops with eucalyptus if the child is under age 6.

Eucalyptus oil is generally safe when applied to adult skin, but don't put the oil, salve, or chest rub on the face or nose of a child under age 2. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also avoid using the oil.